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Lawyer SEO



Grow Your Traffic, Leads & Revenue

Central PA Search Engine Optimization

Welcome to White Noise Digital. You might be asking yourself, how can this company help my business get more customers online? Great question! You most likely found us through a search on Google for Harrisburg SEO or through one of our YouTube videos under Harrisburg SEO Expert.

The most important thing is that you are doing research on search engine optimization and trying to figure out ways to get more traffic to your website, or maybe you are looking to start using the internet to attract more customers and increase revenue in your business. 

Since everyone goes on the internet whenever they need to do research or find information on something, we understand how important it is to have an online presence for the product or service you offer so your company can get seen as the best option when someone searches online.

Finding the best Harrisburg SEO company is very important if you plan on making an impact in the central Pennsylvania market, especially with how people are shopping nowadays. Ask yourself which company offers services you are interested in and then find out what they can do for you. So what is the next best step for you? 

We look forward to hearing from you and helping you dominate your competition with some Harrisburg SEO! 93% of people start their buying process using the internet and Google is usually the search engine used.

Knowing how important it is to get your company on the first page of Google is half the battle. The other half of the battle is getting there just like Dealmaker Properties. Our search engine optimization formula has done wonders for dozens of businesses in central PA and if you are not on page one of Google, you are leaving tons of money on the table.

Any of your competitors that are ranked above you on page one of Google are getting all of the online traffic that your website can be getting. We can help you to claim your spot in central PA as the go to business in your particular niche whenever one of your potential customers searches for the products or services that you offer.

We can also help you to convert that traffic into more customers using your website and if your website is not mobile optimized we can help you establish a mobile site so you aren’t missing out on the traffic we all get from cell phones and tablets nowadays.

The most important thing for you to do is to do your research on the SEO Harrisburg companies and choose the one that you feel will deliver you the highest return on your investment.


Increase your organic traffic with comprehensive and dynamic SEO strategies. Boost the quantity and quality of your traffic with a variety of digital advertising options.
White Noise Digital is passionate about driving qualified organic through comprehensive and dynamic search engine optimization strategies.


Convert your traffic into leads and sales. Conversion optimization is at the core of White Noise Digital marketing expertise. We love to produce measurable impact for our clients.
Conversion rate optimization or CRO is a critical aspect of digital marketing. From landing page design to heatmaps and form analytics, we love to optimize for conversions!


Turn happy customers into powerful advocates and promoters of your business. From 5 star reviews to social shares, happy customers help promote your brand.
In today’s hyper social world, turning your customers into advocates with reviews, social shares and word of mouth is a powerful way to promote your business and build your brand.

Lawyer SEO

Get your business showing at the top of the search engines in Harrisburg so you can get more customers instead of giving them away to your competitors.

Local Lawyer SEO in Harrisburg

One of our specialties is getting your business to show up in Google Maps so you can get more inbound leads every single month.

Watch Our Video

Our main focus is helping you grow exponentially by putting your business in front of more targeted people in need of your products and services. If a picture is worth a 1,000 words, wait until you see our video.

SEO Link Building

It’s almost impossible to reach the top of the search engines without some type of link building. This is where most Harrisburg SEO companies get it wrong. We don’t, promise!

Paid Search Advertising

Creating engaging content for social media websites like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter is a powerful way to brand your company, reach new customers and engage existing ones.


SEO Strategy

If you are looking to get some customers quickly, Facebook advertising campaigns are perfect for getting your products and services out there fast and effectively with long-term growth.

Review Management

Reviews are the new word of mouth and if you are looking to get more leads and close more sales, then you need to take our review management campaign for a test drive.


Reviews are the new word of mouth and if you are looking to get more leads and close more sales, then you need to take our review management campaign for a test drive.

Comprehensive SEO Reporting

Reviews are the new word of mouth and if you are looking to get more leads and close more sales, then you need to take our review management campaign for a test drive.

Watch Our Video

Our main focus is helping you grow exponentially by putting your business in front of more targeted people in need of your products and services. If a picture is worth a 1,000 words, wait until you see our video.

Why Hire White Noise Digital for Harrisburg SEO?

White Noise Digital was founded in 2015 with a focus on helping businesses connect with more consumers. So why White Noise Digital? Most people don't know how much white noise can actually help them. White noise is background noise that actually has been proven to help us focus, concentrate, sleep better, and even remember information better. The reason is because it drowns out all of the distractions in our environment and it allows our brains to look past those distractions to actually become sharper. Think of White Noise Digital as that same concept. Our mission is to become that white noise for your business so you can go focus on running your business while we bring you new customers in the background.

The reason we added the Digital on the end of White Noise is because our focus is in the digital realm.  We take care of the growth of your company through digital means.  The Internet is so young and while we strongly believe in advertising in the non-digital environment, we believe in going where the eyeballs are and more and more people are living in the digital world every single day. Wait until AI and VR advance even more.  Eventually most people will be living in the digital world more than reality and so if you want your business to thrive in the future, you better be a major player in the digital world now.

We Offer a Full Range and Affordable SEO + Digital Marketing Services in Harrisburg!

Your business is unique so allow us to treat you like that.


We learn about your business, your goals, and everything else we need to put a strategy plan together for you, then we help connect you to your customers so you can seamlessly sell more in a predictable pattern


Stop relying on referrals to grow your business and invest in a system that delivers consistent qualified leads ready to buy from you, then we do extensive research to determine the best coarse of action to get you results.​


After that we set your marketing campaign up and take massive action to get you the results you deserve, dominate your competitors by staying ahead of the curve and utilizing technology like never before.


Those results are then tracked so you can see where every dollar you invest is going and how your business is growing with our intuitive reporting that tells you how much of a return you  are receiving every month

Harrisburg SEO // Frequently Ask Question

Most frequent questions and answers

The cost of SEO services can vary significantly based on a range of factors, including the size of your website, the competitiveness of your keywords, and the specific services you require. Unfortunately, none of the sources provided give a specific price range. However, they suggest that SEO is a cost-effective marketing solution compared to traditional methods and its price doesn’t increase with competition.

Based on the information gathered from various sources, it typically takes between 3 to 6 months for SEO to show results in Baltimore. This timeline can vary depending on your specific goals, strategy, and the competitiveness of your keywords.

Yes, it is possible to do SEO yourself. Numerous resources available online outline the steps you can follow to optimize your website for search engines.

Yes, SEO is generally considered a good investment. However, it’s important to note that the success of SEO also depends on how you approach it. Investing in the support of a reputable SEO agency can ensure you’re implementing effective strategies and getting the most out of your investment Higher Visibility.

Choosing between SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and PPC (Pay-Per-Click) depends on your business goals, budget, and timeline. both SEO and PPC have their benefits and can be effective depending on your specific needs and circumstances.

SEO agencies optimize for multiple search engines as a standard practice because it’s beneficial to capture traffic from various sources. While Google is the most commonly used search engine, others like Bing, Yahoo, and DuckDuckGo also have substantial user bases.

Harrisburg Office Location


1108 2nd Ave 

Harrisburg, PA, 17113


(717) 454-4400

Harrisburg Office Hours

Monday: 9am – 5pm

Tuesday: 9am – 5pm

Wednesday: 9am – 5pm

Thursday: 9am – 5pm

Friday: 9am – 5pm

Saturday: Closed

Sunday: Closed

Harrisburg SEO Tips

Our main focus is helping you grow exponentially by putting your business in front of more targeted people in need of your products and services. If a picture is worth a 1,000 words, wait until you see our video.